Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I am no soothsayer... I cannot foreknow or predict the things that are about to take place in the near future. I do not know what tomorrow has in store for each and everyone of us. I actually find the unknown eerie at times, nevertheless, I know that all the things we do now will have an effect and an impact to the things that are about to occur later on. I don't want my life to become a shambles, that is why I am initiating some changes now. Alongside with that change is the act of extricating myself from hellacious inequities that this world bombards me with. I thoroughly believe that my heart's prowess needs to be rejuvenated and festoon with more love, forgiveness, patience, and faith. Faith to the One who upholds me in His hands and faith to the things that are yet to be seen and unveiled before my eyes. I like what Willian Shakespeare said,

"Be just, and fear not.
Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy country's,
Thy God's and truth's.

Indeed, perfect bliss it is to be found in God alone. Sweet serenity it is to be satisfied in Him alone. Loads of benevolence to live forgiven and to forgive so that in return I may live. Love it is to be accepted and appreciated for who and what I am - no more, no less. Overwhelming it is to be loved by a God like Him who is too wise to be mistaken and too good to be unkind.

Kindly bear with me... It's 4:17 AM already and I haven't slumbered yet, not in a single second since yesterday. I just felt the need to write something to release some of the unnecessary baggages that I am currently toting. Things are still crazy and convoluted, good thing, God is continously showering me with people whom I can present myself with no pretensions or whatsoever as such. Loads of thanksgiving to you, folks. You know who you are. Thank you for being there. Above all, I thank the Lord, for I know that through His overflowing Grace, vindication and redemption will be given to those who are badly in need of them.

I do not know if I still have time to sleep. I have to go to church by 7 AM and there are still lots of tasks to be accomplished. Anyhow, I acknowledge the fact that I have all the time to choose happiness over worry and fear with what might happen. I know that God holds our lives, nothing to worry about, lots of reasons to smile.

Today, I am choosing happiness. : )

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